Friday, October 7, 2011

Leading My Life

Steve Jobs passing made me evaluate my life.  He was a visionary and a genius, but like the rest of us a mere mortal.  I made the decision that I have to make the most (are at least not the least) of every moment.  I am a cynical New Yorker with too much on my plate and sometimes little if no patience.  I don't take the time to appreciate all I have.  I don't know if I will be able to do that every moment, but I am going to try to step back and be more cognizant of all I have.

First up, I  have been coloring my hair (blond, red, black, purple) forever!  Today I stop. My present color is somewhere between blondish, brownish and maybe possibly reddish in certain lights.  My roots are practically pure white and have been like that since I was in my late twenties.  Let's see if I stick with that.  I don't want to spend the hours in the salon chair and would rather spend that time doing something I love.  Yesterday instead of putting chemicals on my head, I did a Bikram yoga class...and loved it.  I then took my very active 4 year old twin daughters to the library where they screamed, yelled and had tantrums...and acted in general like 4 year olds.  It was fabulous....not so much so for everyone else in the kid's section of the gorgeous Battery Park City Library.

This blog is about being an unapologetic New York Chick who is grateful for her life and looking to finding and sharing the best things, to do, have, eat, acquire and of course at the best price.  I will share deals that I find in New York and online. It is also about being healthy, feeling great and giving back.   And still doing everything with attitude!


  1. Jen, I applaud your choice! It is very brave. For right now in my life, I still love the "natural" red hair on my head vs. the very real combination of ugly brown and silver. I'll be spending my time next door to your building getting my hair colored every six weeks ... and maybe having a chance to have a drink with your afterwards!

  2. Your "natural" red looks natural and fits you.
